Az egyéni fejlesztési projekt

The Educational Project is a working instrument to be formulated by professionals on the basis of educational needs and the development of each person. Given that it is oriented towards processes, that is, to itineraries of cognitive, training and experiential development, it has a particular dynamic character and may not be considered as given once and for all, but rather must be continuously monitored and calibrated.

This is based on the principle that every person has a developmental potential that needs:

  • Recognition of the environmental factors that can act as a limitation or support,
  • Mediating actions with the same environmental factors with the aim of fostering the person’s participation.

The goals, actions, methodologies, forms of verification and schedules of the individual project must be clearly established.

The project/contract is aimed at the goals of growth and profit for the person, while binding both protagonists: one is bound to realizing it and the other to facilitating and sustain its realization. This concerns inviting the other to participate in applying the dia-logos, a discussion built together in the perspective of the “pedagogy of the moment”.

The educational project is based on the contract, which is the starting point of the educational phase, following the pre-educational phase of the INV model. The educational project must foresee the means of checking its progress and the attainment of its goals, as well as the schedule for these checks.

This should be carried out involving the person in order to promote their possible participation and awareness of it, seeking together the ways to adjust and re-establish the educational pact. To this effect, the goals are to be explained in a way that is comprehensible and verifiable to a disabled person too, translating them into concrete actions and thus promoting a process of self-learning. Equally important is the involvement of the family.

The result of the individual educational project is growth and social integration.