Final workshops in Italy, Spain and Hungary

The final workshops were held in January 2015 in  Rome, barcelona and Budapest. The detailed invitations and programmes can be found under the national pages:

Final workshop in Italy

Date: 27 January 2015

Venue: "Città dell'altra economia" – Roma

Main contents: presentation  of the pedagogical model, the self observation protocol, videos and political recommendations.

For further information:

Final workshop in Spain

 Date: 23 January 2015

Venue: Fundació Catalana Síndrome de Down – Barcelona

Main contents: the project and its steps; the pedagogical model and its tools; testimonials; videos.

For further information:

Final workshop in Hungary

Date 17 January  2015

Venue: ELTE University, Faculty of Special Pedagogy – Budapest

Main contents: presentation of the pedagogical model and its first successful testing in Hungary and Italy.

Contact the national contact point in Hungary  or

The programmes of the national workshops can be found under the relevant language.