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Observation grid of nonverbal behaviors during FG


The observation grid is an important tool to help the assistant moderator; in fact with this tool he/her can collect all the elements that his/her recorder cannot memorize: the nonverbal behaviors as gestures, posture, special looks and so on.

Therefore the assistant moderator at the same time must use the recorder and take notes of each participant interventions .

As taking notes of the behavior of participants is fundamental for the FG success, we have prepared a simple and easy-to-use grid.

It’s necessary to give each participant a number with which it will be possible to identify him in the interventions’ transcription..

You are allowed to change the grid as you wish.


  • Before the beginning describe briefly the feeling of the group.

  • Then take note of basic attitudes of each participant in the following areas and make a note of any changes during the meeting and the moment they happen.


A Social and emotional area

A1 He/she is a collaborating person. He/she accepts positively the comments of others about his/her topics. He/she listens.  J

A2 He/she is not paying attention to other speakers.  K

A3 He/she obstructs, jokes, is aggressive.  L


B Task area

B1 He/she expresses opinions; he/she makes observations in a respectful and polite way.  J

B2. He/she doesn’t intervene often; he/she has few ideas.  K

B3. He/she intervenes out of the context. He/she argues.  L


  • During interventions

Take note when a participant moves around and changes his/her place.

It is important to note down, next to the synthesis of the intervention, the nonverbal behaviors as well: posture, gestures, voice pitch, talking speed, any long pauses, babbles and so on. At the end of the intervention a brief opinion on sincerity, enthusiasm, participation is welcome. You can use the following small colored signs:  L